Monday, October 1, 2012

The power of the Angels and Archangels

The Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael are messengers of God. How we choose to use these messengers is entirely in our discretion.  How many times have you encountered a difficult situation in which your immediate answer may be "OH, My God". At this moment, you were using your intuition to recognize the discretion  that you needed something more.  That More is God.  

God, in turn, answers your plea by providing an angel. Whether this spirit is a member of your immediate family or friend that has passed on to the other life , one of the archangels mentioned above, or your very own Guardian Angel. 

What changes your attitude to progress from "It was luck" to God was there? A true experience from God can come from many places, but it does stem from soul as your angel guides you to this encounter.  Many persons have been called to this encounter through a retreat, a prayer meeting, or a circumstance. 

Being attentive to how God works in my  life involves three basic skills:  HUMILITY, GRATITUDE, and LOVE.  We have to open our hearts by realizing that we are imperfect ;henceforth, humility abides here. We proceed to a realization that we should be grateful for all that we have for "someone out there has it much worse" and "I am complaining" . Lastly, God's love is immeasurable, so, in turn, our love is great as he made us in his likeness. So, No Pressure... we have this incredible amount of love inside of us, let's show it to the world. 

How do I show it because people can be so rude? A funny thing happened to me the other day. I am waiting in line at CVS and this woman cuts in the line in front of me and I just had to say, "Excuse Me" and she says,"I was here in the other side first and this is one line" . I turned to the cashier and said," Is this one line?" She replied," No, each self-check out lane has a line" . The lady immediately snaps and says, " Oh whatever" . I was not only angry, I was teed off.  I stopped and thought ,Help me, St. Michael, Jesus, I trust in you".

I made a strong spiritual decision at this point. Do I stay in back of this lady and feel angry and disappointed or do I leave?  Well, I felt a little tug which placed me in the lane with an attendant. 

The lady greets me with a smile and says, Hi, how are you today?  I said, "I'm good but this lady just cut me off in the other lane". The attendant turns and said,"Forget her". Now, I am still angry, but respond with a smile.  

She asks me for my phone and I just don't remember it. So, I think of my sister's phone. My sister  recently passed away from Colon Cancer. The lady rings up the bill, looks at me and says," Wow, you just won four  dollars, I haven't seen that in a while".

She thanks me and just as I leave the store, I turn back to see the woman I was angry at and notice she is stuck in the register because the register broke down.  As I arrive home, I put away the supplies and look at the bill. It says my sister's name because it was her number and it says the expiration date for the four dollar coupon. Miraculously so, it was my birthday.  

If I had not had the intuition to change lanes, I would have missed on this opportunity to notice the power of God to send a little messenger to let me know that the anger is just not what life is about. He gave me the humility to realize that I am imperfect, the gratitude for feeling my sister's presence, and the love to know that my birthday would be here and she gave me a little four dollar gift.  Funny thing is: I just did not have the heart to cash in the receipt.